Show the fear, on the big day, then the fear for both of them as they approach the father. Go back and have the mother show herself going through the identical process, but choosing the other path - that of denial and social acceptance. Rewrite it - start with the daughter, working on that year of denial, pain, mistrust, attempting, and finally resolution to come out. The couple negative comments are from people who cannot separate fiction from reality quite well enough, and should be ignored.
Ho hum, we're both gay, eat that Dad, and off into our new perfect lesbian lives we go. Where is the fear, where is the anxiety, where is the worry, insecurity, trepidation, hesitation, and finally the relief and acceptance?
You described what would be probably the most emotional day of two lives, without even a hint of emotion in the text. Why I would vote lower: The writing is so incredibly passive and told without a shred of emotion. The story in itself is fine, and could be posted either in Lesbian sex or non-erotic.